Jelly Jelly Jelly

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Grilled Cheese & Jelly

This one is really delicious and very easy to make.  When you bite into it, it almost tastes like a French pastry.  I don’t know why people aren’t making these things coast-to-coast.

A few thoughts before we begin:

  • Don’t be frightened by the girl from Bad Seed (original version) in the illustration.  She can’t hurt you any longer.
  • This works with just about any combination of cheese and jelly or preserves.  Provolone and grape, brie and strawberry, cheddar and boysenberry, goat and apricot… the list goes on.
  • White bread is delicious but there are other choices out there: try a good wheat bread (not the white bread dyed brown type), challah, pumpernickel, etc.
  • You can make this is in a non-stick pan, a stainless steel pan, a George Foreman Grill (the poor man’s panini press), a panini press (the Italian man’s George Foreman Grill), one of those grill pans, a cast iron skillet, whatever.
  • Don’t be chintzy with the ingredients.  Use a nice amount of cheese, a generous amount of jelly, and feel free to butter the sh*t out of that bread.


  • 2 slices of bread
  • Butter
  • 1 or 2 slices of cheese
  • Jelly or preserves
  • Heat a pan over medium-high heat.
  • Butter both pieces of bread on one side.
  • Spread a generous amount of jelly on one slice of the buttered bread (on the side you didn’t butter).
  • Place the sliced cheese on top of the jelly.
  • Put the other slice of buttered bread on top of the cheese with the butter on the outside.
  • Put the sandwich into your pan.
  • When it is golden brown and crispy, flip it over.
  • When the other side of golden brown and delicious, take it out of the pan.
  • Eat it.
  • Repeat it.

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